Acting on strong demand for Dorper rams from our pastoral clients and regional sales Annabel set up Genelink Dorper Stud with stud ewes purchased at the DSSA national sale in 2005 from Whynot and Newstead Studs. Further additions came from the Arcadius and Bulmar flocks.
This foundation group combined with ET programs enabled us to increased numbers rapidly, culled heavily, Genelink was on the way to a 150 ewe breeding flock.
Key genetics have come from Glen Esk via Wentworth NSW with Glen Park rams 446 and 650 becoming dominant sires. Brendon and Maureen purchased genetics from all the major Dorper Studs, Ammarula, Dell, Prieska, Bulmar, and Global during our early start up and anything that survived and prospered in their harsh pastoral conditions came to Genelink.
The breeding flock has evolved with a diverse genetic base whereby we are now confidant to select stud rams from each years lamb drop. Rams must have the ability to reach 80 to 100 kg by 12 months, be mobile on good feet and shed well. Ewes are now culled if they do not shed completely.
Our breeding strategy has shown to be justified with Genelink flock rams averaging $3,211.00.
The Australis White Dorper Stud was established with a strong genetic base that continually evolves with the ability to produce rams that ensure the improvement and predictability of the White Dorper genotype.
Our genetics derived from the importations of embryos within our Saltbush White Dorper syndicate in 1997. Shortly after, this was followed by the start up of our historical Axis White Dorper Stud and the subsequent purchase of Genelink White Dorper Stud (WD031).
Our breeding strategy is to breed easy care White Dorper & Dorper ewes and rams; clean skin sheep that will perform and produce in low rainfall grazing country.

In our on farm sheep breeding programs we have worked closely with Brendon and Maureen Duncan of Glen Park, Wentworth NSW and since 2016 have been using their Hilcroft Farm UltraWhite Rams over selected Australis and Genelink White Dorper Ewes to see how they performed on our home property. Having seen their progeny at Glen Park we were very excited about their potential. From 2016 until now we have been breeding a composite flock selected for high growth rates, mobility, good feet, full early shedding .
2020/21 we purchased Stud UltraWhite ewes and embryos from Hillcroft farms to focus on development of the stud via embryo transfer.