Artificial breeding 1993 and onwards
Our Australis White Dorper and Genelink Dorper and UltraWhite studs started Lambplan data
recording in 2016 and DNA tissue sampling in 2021 for sire verification and the broader Xytovet 50K
genomic program in 2022.
Client feedback from our Australis White Dorper and Genelink Dorper sales has mirrored the
demand we see in our UltraWhite program. Clients are now focusing on clean shedding, well-
muscled and balanced rams with good feet and most importantly rams that move freely. We now
see clients increasingly taking note of lamb plan figures with growing interest in Lamb Eating Quality.
To support this in 2021 we began using the Xytovet 50K genomic DNA testing program, via tissue
sampling, which verifies parentage and develops genomic predictions linking directly with Sheep
Genetics Lambplan. To quote Adrian Veitch, Kaya Studs WA, “More facts, less spin”.
The Xytovet program will be the basis of our collaboration with Andrew and Ange Freshwater’s
company Clearview Agribusiness’ whose aim is to create a large scale prime lamb production system,
a paddock to plate enterprise, based on gaining industry leading social licence to produce traceable
lamb / sheep meat product.
Together with Andrew we recognise the importance of genomic testing in the future of the prime
lamb industry where our studs will be able to select for superior lamb eating quality, ewes that lamb
twice every year, sheep that are foot rot resistant as well as the established measurement traits
such as worm resistance.
Lambplan and the Neogen program go hand in hand, with Lambplan our key selection criteria is for
growth, WWT, PWT and PEMD, with our top Australis sire having PWT above 12.
Xytovet 50K test results are combined with the physical measurements that we send through
to LAMBPLAN and become part of or Australia Sheep Breeding Values (ASBVs).
Genomic Breeding Values (GBVs) are then produced for critical traits including weaning weight, post
weaning weight, eye muscle depth, fat depth and carcass weight.
Through ASBVs and the 50K test reports on the key drivers of sheep meat eating quality with values
for lean meat yield, intramuscular fat and shear force which would otherwise be unobtainable
without post – slaughter measurement,