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Our farming operations, Australis White Dorper Stud, Genelink Dorper Stud and Genelink UltraWhite Stud hold memberships in three Breed Societies.

We are foundation members of all the Societies, Dorper Sheep Society of Australis (DSSA), Australian Dorper and White Dorper Association (ADWDA) and the UltraWhite Sheep Breeders Association of Australia (UWSBA).


Dorper Sheep Society of Australia

We are proud to be founding members of the DSSA since the Societies establishment during 1999/2000.

Bronte Mawson was a founding member of the Dorper Sheep Society of Australia which was established throughout 1999 / 2000 by the then Western and Eastern Regions (now central, southern and eastern regions). The major inputs came from Bronte Gardner and David
Thorne from the West and Denis Russel from SA, a constitution was developed and the secretariat was based at Rural Services and managed by Rob Martin.


The early days had a great collegiate comradery where ideas, genetics, marketing, science and experience were shared in response to meeting an emerging market in pastoral Australia where farmers were looking for alternative income streams during depressed wool


The Dorper became the focus for arid land prime lamb production and all early members became travelling promotors of the breed, often under very difficult conditions with the early contamination scare campaigns that targeted the breed. The production performance of the Dorper, especially in marginal grazing areas, was soon proven and ‘muster for meat’ pastoral operations became very profitable. The focused energy of the founding DSSA members set a strong foundation for the future of the breed.

We continue our membership with DSSA because of our strong foundation links with the breeders who kick started the development of Dorpers in Australia.


Dorper Sheep Society of Australia

Again we are founding member of ADWDA established around 2012 by a group of enthusiastic White Dorper Breeders whose primary goal was and remains the innovative breed development, with a strong commercial focus on genetic diversity and individuality under an umbrella of regional friendship.


Dorper Sheep Society of Australia

As flock number 12, Genelink UltraWhites are founding members of this exciting new breed society. In 2021 we purchased some ewes and 24 embryos to kick start our registered UltraWhite flock. The resulting ewes from our early embryo program will be flushed in 2022 with the aim of developing a 100 ewe registered flock. It is therefore important to maintain and support our member of UWSBA.

Memberships & Affiliations
Contact Us

Contact: Bronte Mawson

Phone: 0417 809 620

Contact: Annabel Mangal

Phone: 0437 796 960

© 2023 by Australis Genelink Stud. Proudly created and managed by Mallee Media

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